Reviews of Orange-G Travel - Phuket

Here you will find reviews about Orange-G Travel. All reviews are checked and confirmed by our administrator, so these reviews you can trust.
1 Review
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Orange G is absolutely terrible. If it weren't so close to where I was staying I would never step foot back in there. The lady who runs it has a terrible attitude, she must not like money. On a few different occasions we have asked her to change the dates for a flight. The first time she asked for flight information, and when I pulled it up on my phone through email she kept smacking her lips & rubbing her tempo like I was bothering her to do her job while she claimed she couldn't see the screen. The second time we went in there to book the ever so famous Phuket Fantasea and she argued with me that the bus would not pick us up at our residence because it was not a hotel when indeed it was and the tourists next to us always get picked up in front. So after arguing with her she said everything was fine, when the day arrived, the bus driver was sent to another hotel stating that our agent had noted we were there instead. The third time was actually my breaking point, my friend had to get on her plane to go to another country and had asked a favor of me to go in and change her returning day flight and after spending about half an hour there, the lady does the same thing where she smacks her lips, rubs her tempo like we're giving her a headache, rolls her eyes, and take long deep sighs. Finally she gave up because she was frustrated she couldn't get through to a worker and basically said she had better things to do and that she would give us the number to the airline and we could call them ourselves. I have never experienced someone who owns a business and treats her clients this terrible. If you disliked your job this much, maybe you should consider a career change that doesn't involve working with anybody. You have given terrible service time after time even after all the respect we have tried to given you. I would recommend going elsewhere 10 minutes away if you are in rawai, this lady can potentially ruin your day with her bad attitude. The extra 10 minutes is worth it, I promise you!