Review of Zarina

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I ordered my wedding dress from there, service was great (so I thought). We mad the mistake to pay upfront everything. Since the beginning I had 2 main issues : the hip and the breast part. The hip part was making me look fat (and I'm not) - they didn't make it to the length it should have been based on the original picture. The top was bringing out far rolls that with a proper fitted strapless dress wouldn't be - wrong measurements. Yes they did all the changes that I wanted, but I was the one to look for a solution to the main issues, where as I was getting: "I don't understand, I don't know what you want from me. You look great." Meaning: it's all in your head! Every following fitting would get worse and worse until the last fitting (final end product) was a disaster: top not fitted at all and on top of that uneven, corset sloppy,( zipper and corset on a wedding dress?!?! Really?!) she knew I was going to be there - we made an appointment - she wasn't there. She was always on the side of her seamstress, who had made the dress with wrong measurements and cutting from the beginning. Instead of giving me solutions I had to find and suggest solutions ( I'm not an expert at all) which she turns around and says, that it's my fault. I've been to several tailors after that. The response: wrong cutting (Breast tops uneven from the start), not my measurements from the start, not based on the picture which makes it not flattering at all. Will have to redo the entire top part. I tried to explain it to her many times, and even at the end I tried to keep it between us, but she was still with the same attitude. Very very disappointing!!

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